Libya’s leader of the world

Although Libya now struggling with innumerable challenges the future looks bright. A country that paramount will run with de most modern democracy in the world, health care, education and all other technologies not from the 20th century as all other 194 countries in de world, but entirely focused and designed for de 21st century.

Is this true? All the potential and opportunities are present. If these are going to be used for this purpose is de question. Dare Libya, but even more the international community that now assists Libya. Dare they look at de power of Libya and work from here or do they work as often happened from old models? Models which now worked out by the rest of the world, because time has caught them up. In the rest of the world where the challenge is how do you deal with change, how do you ensure that the change is carried by users (civil society), how do you ensure that the new knowledge is fully integrated. Various aspects and more that doesn’t hold for Libya, a lot of knowledge isn’t present and or not salvaged. What there is, is a huge desire and need for change and learning.

During the 42 years of rule of Gaddafi, he aborted many institutes. What remain or was built by him is getting sharper now and show more and more to be a very thin of layer. As a result Libya has a big challenge to go, because infrastructure, education, research, health care, unity, equality almost everything must be built up from the foundation.

Are Libyans than unique and strong, can they? Absolutely. In recent years, they have show that several times. Which the international community during the revolution already indicated that it would end in a civil war, and still continues to indicate that, this remains out until now. Absolutely there are huge tensions and violent conflicts, tensions run huge, but just when one thinks and now it goes wrong …. reverses the “rest” back. Rest in relative term by mental damages, among other consisting of enormous distrust, combined with little to no experience remains the major challenge.

The drive to achieve goals has been shown during the revolution, but also after that time. Creativity without resources still going out to fight, to fight for what you want. Don’t you get it, you build it. You don’t have it, then you pretend. It has been found during the revolution that this get into results, you just have to believe. If unsuccessful at one way then grab the other. Maybe a nice example is the Africa Championship. In early 2014 Libya won for the first time the CAF,a soccer game. Which precisely persevere, his constructive tension in the game is typical of Libya. From the quarterfinals Libya shoot itself up to the finals by penalties to win the contest. An otherworldly performance to stay focused on the best possible outcome … Chapeau Libya

Unique and strong one, they work from their individuality to a unity. A unity that actually doesn’t even have a real history in Libya. The challenge is therefore large. A history in which distrust is fed. Whereby many feel themselves discriminated against in respect of others. Before their sense of confidence and faith will be increase takes a lot of time.

Another strength isn’t to build living in their own interest, but for others. Absolutely, they also want to own a beautiful luxury living. Money and yet, unlike what many now call and think, money isn’t what matters to most Libyans. Share is listed many times higher. Somewhere they know that this is unique to them, but it’s so common that people don’t see it as a strength.

The power somewhere to go for, something to fight for, to want to learn and in doing so to have de space to share experience, knowledge, resources …. Despite low self esteem, great distrust remain at this strength is not only unique, but is also an incredibly powerful tool for the future. A future in which connect and share as strong factors are coming forward. Elements that Libya already naturally has.

Because of all these forces and more to put in building a country like Libya. Where so many opportunities and possibilities lie. Both the unique people and the untold raw materials from sun up to a beautiful country. With a wide variation range for use in a sustainable society. With creativity and daring to be different, innovation is obvious. Innovation in order to serve as an example for the rest of the world. I would say: “Libya, Dare to do” and to the rest of the international community “Dare to learn, dare to let go and support Libya in exploring its development.”

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